About me
I am Associate Research Professor at the Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Currently, I am on sabbatical, learning bioinformatics and working as Research Associate in Abyzov Lab at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. My research interests are mainly numerical analysis and modeling in several fields including complex systems, social networks, kinetic theory, nanoscience, bioinformatics and celestial mechanics. I received BSc in Physics from University of Belgrade in 2004, MSc in Physics from University of Belgrade in 2006, and Ph.D. in Physics from Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Slovenia in 2009. I worked in Petnica Science Center as head of the mathematical department from 2010 to 2012. I also worked as a Special advisor and as Assistant minister for development and higher education in Government of Serbia from 2014 to 2016.
My Work / Fun
In following gallery you can find illustrations of my work, some interesting tools and links.

Visualisation of dynamical systems
Mathbox based visualisation of 3d dynamical system.

Triangle shape space
Javascript visualisation of the topological space that describe possible shapes of triangle

Primecoin discoveries
Primecoin is the first cryptocurrency with an additional scientific value derived from proof-of-work energy consumption. Primes.zone is a web database of primecoin findings.

Simplex Aggregated Growing Graph
Javascript illustration of simplex-aggregation process defined in [2].

The Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage
Javascript game designed by my 5-year-old son Paja, coded by me.

Budget Visualization
D3 based interactive visualisation of annual budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2014.

Attracting bugs
Javascript simulation of bugs chasing each other

Variant of the 2048 game.

Variant of the 2048 game.

Praksa (in serbian)
Poziv za studente dodiplomskih i postdiplomskih studija fizike i srodnih oblasti.

My blog (in serbian)
Selected Scientific Papers
Three classes of Newtonian three-body periodic orbits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 114301

Hidden geometries in networks arising from cooperative self-assembly
Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Article number: 1987 (2018)
A guide to hunting periodic three-body orbits
American Journal of Physics 82 (2014) 609

Modelling Collective Charge Transport in Nanoparticle Assemblies
Topical Review, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 163201 (2010)
Kinetic phenomena in charged particle transport in gases, swarm parameters and cross section data
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 (2007) S1-S12
Charge Transport in Cellular Nanoparticle Networks: Meandering through Nanoscale Mazes
Nano Letter 7, pp. 855-860 (2007)
My ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5839-9611